How to pack a product

We strongly recommend that you use the original packaging with the existing shock-absorbing packaging material

Don’t have the original packaging?

Please follow these important guidelines to ensure that you pack the product safely and avoid shipping damage
  • Never use bubble-wrap only
  • Choose a sturdy cardboard box that permits at least 10cm of packaging materials between the product and the walls of the box. Putting the product into a cardboard box without proper shock-absorbing packaging materials will result in damage to the product. Air-bubble isolation and foam beans is advisable only for very light-weight items
  • Use packaging materials that cannot move around, and cannot be damaged by the product moving around and being shaken about
  • All parcels must be packed with consideration of the weight, heavier goods may require more packaging.
  • For all larger items such as but not limited to sound bars, subwoofers, Party Boxes, Amplifiers and Fans use either panels of foam rubber, strong cardboard plates, or other sturdy materials that keep the product completely still inside the box, even if the box is shaken with considerable force. Keep in mind to still have 10cm or more of packing materials between product and box walls

Please note

  • Collection/deliver drivers are often asked about the suitability of packing. Although they may give advice, they are not qualified to do so. With this in mind, any damage that occurs where the driver may have given their advice or confirmation that the packaging is suitable will not be accepted
  • The parcel can move via different hubs within the carriers organisation, it will be loaded and unloaded on different vehicles during the delivery process. This may result in the parcel being dropped or thrown to and from the vehicle
  • It is the responsibility of the customer to make sure the product is adequately packed, Multicare or the carrier are not responsible for any damage to the product during the delivery process
This way, your product should reach its destination undamaged

For more information about our services, please feel free to contact the Multicare team

Let Us Take Care Of You

  • Repair warranty provided
  • Manufacturer authorised
  • Manufacturer trained
  • Confidence in the repair
  • Online tracking
  • Reliable

  • Multiple currencies
  • Warranty repairs
  • Chargeable repairs
  • Quality driven
  • Capable
  • Efficient turnaround

  • ISO 9001
  • Cost Effective
  • Independent
  • Customer focused
  • WEEE compliant
  • Original spares

For more information about our services, please feel free to contact the Multicare team